Reading Marathon

Reading Marathon

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The Town Reeve’s Harry Potter Reading Marathon, in aid of the Fisher Theatre.

Town Reeve, Terry Reeve has taken on supporting the historic Fisher Theatre as his project for his year of office – and is encouraging as many people as possible to sign up for this ambitious challenge:

To read, out loud, all seven Harry Potter novels, from cover to cover, over a four-week period starting on October 28th.

The aim is to get 100 people to each raise a minimum of £100 in sponsorship to take part, with the aim of raising £10,000 to help keep the theatre viable.

Are you up for the challenge to join the marathon reading rota?

Each participant will be asked to read for half an hour a day on one or more days. The plan is for the reading to take place five hours a day, from 10am - 3pm, six days a week, at the theatre.

You can read as a family team if you like, booking, for example, a two-hour slot and reading alternately for 10 minutes at a time. And we hope some people will be prepared to read on two or more days throughout the marathon.

“I need your support - the Fisher, such a valuable asset to the town, needs your support, With it we can do it! Do join in!” the Town Reeve said.

A sign-up form is available HERE or from the Town Reeve for you to fill in your contact details and your preferred day and time of reading.

A sponsor form is available to download HERE

Let’s show what Bungay can do to support this wonderful Bungay asset!

If you are unable to contribute by reading please drop in and listen. Donations welcome.