Fisher Theatre Lottery
Joining the Fisher Theatre lottery costs just £2.50 per ball, per month this gives you a chance to win £250 each month. Payment is taken monthly by direct debit and can be canceled at any time.
To Join the Lottery please fill in the form here.
Winners in 2024 |
Month |
Winner |
Month |
Winner |
January |
225 |
Mr J E |
July |
227 |
Ms S T |
February |
64 |
Mr N L |
August |
145 |
Ms S A |
March |
141 |
Mrs H K |
September |
April |
330 |
Mrs D P |
October |
May |
148 |
H P |
November |
June |
10 |
Mr D G |
December |
Winners in 2023 |
Month |
Winner |
Month |
Winner |
January |
056 |
July |
050 |
February |
092 |
August |
043 |
March |
163 |
September |
238 |
April |
066 |
October |
120 |
May |
205 |
November |
121 |
June |
246 |
December |
208 |
Winners in 2022 |
Month |
Winner |
Month |
Winner |
January |
057 |
July |
130 |
February |
201 |
August |
213 |
March |
171 |
September |
106 |
April |
092 |
October |
182 |
May |
139 |
November |
023 |
June |
091 |
December |
137 |
The Fisher Theatre Lottery is registered with Waveney District Council as a Small Society Lottery under reference LOT07565
Full Terms and Conditions for The Fisher Theatre Lottery are here.