FYTG 25th Anniversary Party
Celebrating 25 years of youth theatre in your community
All past and current members, tutors, volunteers and supporters are invited to join us in celebrating this special occasion.
FYTG reaches its quarter century birthday this year, remembering 25 years of fun creating theatre and taking part in the life of this ever growing community group.
FYTG was formed in March 2000, Darren France worked with Dave Simington, who was then art teacher at Bungay Middle School, and a group of young teenage students to kick off what would grow into a dynamic and thriving youth theatre group. FYTG has been supported by a large community of volunteers, parents, local organisations, and businesses.
The Fisher Theatre has provided FYTG with its creative home since 2001 when Bungay Arts and Theatre Society secured ownership of this special historic building, and FYTG has become a core part of what makes the Fisher Theatre the thriving community arts venue it is today.
Come and meet old friends, celebrate wonderful memories of shows past and present.
The evening will open with a short presentation and film, then dance the night away at a disco for everyone.
All proceeds will go to The Fisher Theatre.