Gut Girls - FYTG Flyers

Celebrating 25-years of youth theatre.

A selected group of FYTG Flyers brings this powerful play to the Fisher stage as part of their 25th Anniversary year contribution, showcasing the brilliant talent of these young actors, at the top end of our group. Many of the characters in this play are the same age as the young actors portraying them.

At the turn of the 20th century a group of young girls and women did a job no one else wanted to do. They worked in cold, dirty, smelly conditions at the Foreign Cattle Market in Deptford, London, where workers’ rights didn’t exist. This ghastly job, cleaning entrails, gave them a good wage, some tasty (stolen) perks and independence no other women of their class could attain.

Becoming, in a sense, untouchable, because of the job they do, that nobody else wants, they’re free to laugh, to joke as they please, to go to places women were not allowed to go alone and become a law unto themselves. This freedom makes them strong and very alive, giving them courage to stand up for themselves, until the ‘Do-Gooder’ Lady Helena takes it upon herself to ‘improve’ their lives.

Friday 7 Mar 202519:30 Book Now
Saturday 8 Mar 202519:30 Book Now