Discovering Short Stories (U)

The days when short stories had huge readerships and the authors earned amazingly large fees are long over. Today it is the novel that gets all the attention, from Sally Rooney to J.K. Rowling. But although unfashionable, the short story remains incredibly powerful.

This five-week course, by former journalist, teacher and prize-winning author Douglas Bence, gets under the skin of this literary form, from Edgar Allan Poe to Chekhov, Katherine Mansfield and Ernest Hemingway.

Those who enrol need to read a story a week in their own time. Written material will be provided.

£10 per session, or £40 if you book all 5 in advance in one transaction.

Week 1: 17th Jan. Roald Dahl

Week 2: 24th Jan. Anton Chekhov

Week 3: 31st Jan. Damon Runyon

Week 4:  7th Feb. Katherine Mansfield

Week 5: 14th Feb. Ernest Hemingway

Friday 14 Feb 202510:30 Book Now