The Dresser - Presented by Circle 67

Auditorium 115 Plan, Wednesday 30 Apr 2025, 19:30  - ends at 22:00

Sir, the last of a great, but dying breed of English actor-managers, is in a very bad way tonight.

As his dresser tries valiantly to prepare him for another performance of King Lear, Sir is having great difficulty remembering who and where he is, let alone his lines.

With a Herculean effort on the part of Norman, the dresser, Sir does finally make it on stage, but at what cost?

The Dresser is a wickedly funny and deeply moving story of friendship and loyalty as Sir reflects on his lifelong accomplishments and seeks to reconcile his turbulent friendships with those in his employ before the final curtain.

Note: Mild Swearing and language Suited to the time.

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Please note that a Service Charge of £1.50 will be added to your total basket price.

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Full Price£12.00