No Country for Old Women (16+)

Auditorium 115 Plan, Wednesday 26 Jun 2024, 19:30  - ends at 21:00

Unfortunately Cliff Edge Productions have had to cancel this production of No Country for Old Women due to personal circumstances.

Brand new work. ‘Frank, funny and ferocious.’

No Country for Old Women is a collaborative theatre production created by the Field Theatre Group and Cliff-Edge Theatre Company.

No Country is a witty, ironic (sometimes poignant) take on later-life ….  in all its baffling glory.

Featuring three bad-ass old bags and a callow youth; this innovative production mixes music, comedy and micro-drama, to overturn preconceptions about later-life … and bring a fresh perspective on growing old … disgracefully.

But No Country is not just a comedy romp. Darker themes, such as dementia, ageing, later-life love and loneliness, are explored with humour and sensitivity.

PG: Contains adult themes, loud music, humorous sexual references and mild threats.

Funded by the National Lottery Fund.



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