Salt (12+)

In the Round 137, Saturday 25 May 2024, 19:30  - ends at 21:00

‘I'm goin' out wi' th' Tide, old wench;

I came in on the Flood.

An' the Sea is streaked wi' Silver,

An' the Sun is red wi' Blood.’

The East Norfolk Coast, 1770.

Man Billy is a pious young fisherman living under the rule of his domineering Mother, Widow Pruttock. Two things govern their life: the herring harvest and devotion to God.

Into this cold and passionate life comes the ageless woman Sheldis, a singer with supernatural gifts. As Billy's infatuation with her grows, his Mother, believing him bewitched, will go to any length to break the spell.

Set in a stark, mythic world, and filled with sea shanties, mummers' dances, hymns and folk songs, SALT is a visceral tale of faith, jealousy and demonic passion.

Suggested age 12+

Contains sexual assault and violence.

Contemporary Ritual Theatre

Already Started