Pan Afro Band

Standing & Food (Audit) , Saturday 15 Jul 2023, 20:00  - ends at 22:00

PanAfro Band play upbeat, danceable songs from around Africa, with a fun, anarchic vibe.

Featuring a full line-up of keys/organ and guitar, glorious horns, lashings of percussion, and gorgeous vocal harmonies, they cover styles from Afrobeat to guitar-band songs, to Chimurenga, to funky percussion-heavy chants like ‘Jingoloba’, to popular songs like Wimowe.

Ugandan singer/dancer Perfect Bakashaba loves to interact with audiences of all ages, and excels at getting people up on their feet dancing and singing along.

Expect a feel-good, friendly evening of African-style fun.

Standing gig with limited seating available.

Gig only £10 & £6 U18

Please note that Discounts / Membership Benefits will be applied once you have selected your tickets

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Gig - Already Started

Food - Already Started